Friday, October 2, 2009

Ghana: Torgome Village Visit & Trekking

My Torgome Village visit was fantastic. The Torgomes still have traditional leaders. A paramount chief and his elder sat apart from everyone else. The elder functioned as a spokesperson for no one was to speak to the chief directly. Throughout our visit we received African names. My name meant ‘Sunday Believe’ (The day I was born and a peaceful word). I cannot pronounce or spell it in the native tongue. But you can call me ‘Akos’ for short. Molly received the name ‘Friday God Knows’ intimidating! We danced with the people, some of the kids thought I needed intense rhythm therapy and tried in vain to teach me their moves. Our visit was cut short by a sudden downpour.

This downpour caused roads to turn to clay thus instead of driving across the Shai Hills Game Reserve, we trekked. It took about an hour and a half to walk to the base of the plateau through a landscape that I could only describe as Lion King brought to life. We scaled the plateau and a local told us about the legends of the bat cave we stood in. It cleared up and we saw a few baboons on our walk back!

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