Friday, November 20, 2009

hey so i am in a hostel in tokyo... i cannot determine what picture is which so here are some pictures from my latest adventures, eh?

playing chicken in the Saigon river.. i was afraid these guys were donezo.

Bert is watching intently as our guide is showing us graphic pictures of all of the victims of the Khmer Rouge.

Kelly and I excited in front of Angor Wat.

children at the killing fields that kept repeating please please i want to go to school, i want to go to school. they followed Anders and I from the far side all the way to the bus...

then the reflection of the Angor Wat temples at sunrise on the one of the four ponds a part of the front landscape.

hanging out in elephant palace

getting suits made in Viet Nam

Le PUB! 
then Tienanmen square

getting ready for a cold night Great Wall Style

forbidden city and temple of Heaven

where we slept


on top of the Shanghai World Financial Center 

Hong Kong



  1. LOVE the photos. That zipline looks absolutely amazing! And the shots of you all on the Great Wall are just incredible.

  2. Great pictures!!! Do you know Ali Krosche? She is my daughter and I miss her terribly!!!!!
